Tag Archives: golf

day 1224: Accomplishment

You will show me the way of life, granting me the joy of your presence and the pleasures of living with you forever.

I was very fortunate this summer to be able to play a lot of golf.  Before you categorize me as someone who is good at golf, let me be clear, I stink.  But, I love the game.  Partially because it is outside. Partially because you can get away from everything else for a few hours.  And mostly, because it is a game that ends on an accomplishment.  I love other sports too, but most sports end on someone or one team making an error or not accomplishing something.  Think about that for a second.  Baseball ends on someone not getting a hit. Football ends on someone not scoring or someone not being able to stop someone else from scoring.  Tennis ends on someone not being able to get to a shot by the other player, or returning the ball unsuccessfully.  Golf always ends on the ball going in the hole.  It may be, and most always is, the ball going in the hole in more strokes than you desired, but the game always ends on an accomplishment of the ball finding the cup.  If more of work was this way, think how much more satisfied we would be in our jobs.  If only every day we ended on an accomplishment.  If only every interaction with a customer ended with a point of satisfaction.  If only every employee interaction ended on a positive and and accomplishment driven word of recognition.  We can make this happen.  It is our choice.  Like golf, work is a long game and one that we only get better at with time, practice, patience and endurance.  But, like the game of golf, work can always end on an accomplishment.

God gives us a life that also can end on the completion of His work while we are here on earth. When we think about the accomplishment that he desires from us, it is about faithfulness, loving Him and others, spreading His Good News, and living our lives out as Jesus would if He were in the same job, life, and situations that we find ourselves.  When we strive to find and give glory to God in all that we do, we are accomplishing much in His eyes.  So, today stay focused on this type of accomplishment. The rest is not that important, but accomplishing His desires is what it is all about.

Reference: Psalm 16:11 (New Living Translation)