Tag Archives: Goldman Sachs Group Inc

day 2433: The Rise Of Who Knew?

“The Holy Spirit said to Philip, “Go over and walk along beside the carriage.”

Back in the time when I was in the day-to-day of video games we thought, just maybe something like this would happen, but who really knew: “In a report last month, Goldman Sachs Group Inc. predicted that esports, as the professional competitions are called, will have 276 million viewers worldwide by 2022, on a par with the National Football League. Total revenue could reach $3 billion by then, up from $655 million last year.” Ahem, bigger than the NFL. Got that?  There are going to be many areas in our businesses that we can’t dream of, much less predict, but what is most important is that we stay close to what is new and do our best to be ready to catch and get on top of the wave when it starts to form.

How is it we really know what we should do next?  That next can be a decision, a conversation, an investment, a hiring, a firing, a purchase, a change, etc.  We never really know but that is where if we allow the Holy Spirit to rise up within us enough that we are attuned to what we consider we hear to be the right path to take, He will indeed lead us to where we should be. Who knows?  He always knows!

Reference: Acts 8:29 (New Living Translation)