Tag Archives: gloves

day 1998: Thickness Of The Glove

“And if you give even a cup of cold water to one of the least of my followers, you will surely be rewarded.”

A friend told me that he was talking to his gardener and as his gardener told him that the thickness of the gloves one wears for work has an inverse relationship with the amount of money you earn.  It was eye-opening for him and as he told me the story, it was eye-opening for me too.  So many times we forget that the front line will work in a way that causes them to put more physical effort, but likely at a lower wage.  It is a reminder that we need to appreciate and support the front-line of all of our organizations.

We are to watch out of the least among us and Jesus tells us to be sure that we watch out for the least of His followers and to provide them metaphorically or literally the refreshment that they may need.  When we do so, we are acting in the way that Christ asks us to act.  There is someone today that is looking for the cold cup of water that they need from us.

Reference: Matthew 10:42 (New Living Translation)