Tag Archives: Giving the benefit of doubt

day 2817: Giving The Benefit Of Doubt

“If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking.”

I can’t think of another time that is more needed of giving people the benefit of doubt than in a time that is so uncertain and filled with mixed messages. I’m seeing the need daily as people struggle to adapt to new ways of expressing a point of view, talking something out fully or disagreeing without being able to be in the same room, in real time to resolve, align and move on.  Comments made, subtle reactions, time and distance are being interpreted independently and often misinterpreted.  What if, while we get through the rest of what is to come, we just started giving people the benefit of not jumping to judgement of them so quickly and not assuming the worst first?  If we did this, we’d all be in a better place.

What if God judged us on our first decisions, first reactions, first point of view and then just left us there without ever giving us a second chance?  He would never do that.  He’s just the opposite.  He keeps asking us to come back to Him over and over without any second-guessing or rejection.  If He can do that for us, then we can do the same for others. This might be just the gift that someone needs today!

Reference: James 1:5 (New Living Translation)