Tag Archives: future

day 2218: Bringing It Forward

“Though I am the least deserving of all God’s people, he graciously gave me the privilege of telling the Gentiles about the endless treasures available to them in Christ.”

I am always amazed at those who can see around the corner to the future.  These people can predict (never perfectly, but almost) what is coming next.  But, even as impressive as this is, even more so are those who can translate the future into a language and way that the rest of us can understand and appreciate.  Well, we are soon to lose one of those people when Wall Street Journal reporter and author, Walt Mossberg will retire in June. This was Walt’s retirement message:

“So it seems fitting to me that I’ll be retiring this coming June, almost exactly 47 years later. I’ll be hanging it up shortly after the 2017 edition of the Code Conference, a wonderful event I co-founded in 2003 and which I could never have imagined back then in Detroit.

I didn’t make this decision lightly or hastily or under pressure. It emerged from months of thought and months of talks with my wise wife, my family, and close friends. It wasn’t prompted by my employer or by some dire health diagnosis. It just seems like the right time to step away. I’m ready for something new.”

We need people like Mossberg around us.  Do we have someone, or more than one, who work on our staff who are always seeking what is new and different and then more importantly, can communicate to everyone else in a way that makes us all want to go there with them?

Isn’t this why Jesus gave us a glimpse and promise of what is to come? I have always wondered about what it would have been like to have been one of the people who saw and interacted with Jesus during the period when He was on Earth between His resurrection and ascendancy to Heaven. Could it have been that we don’t know much about that time because the people who saw Him just couldn’t explain it to others?  Maybe what they experienced was just too much to put into words.  While we don’t physically see Jesus today, we do experience Him in our lives and He calls upon us to do our best to explain to others what He is doing within us.  Yes, it is hard to talk to others about what is to come and all that Jesus is about, but if we just talk from our own story, then we are indeed translating Him for others to understand.

Reference:  Ephesians 3:8 (New Living Translation)