Tag Archives: fox

day 1289: Slipping Into The World

“…and laid him in a manger…”

Could there be any more talk about all things monitoring us?  Phone records, cameras, satellites, listening devices.  Yes, they are all there and aren’t going away.  But, we also personally benefit from all the technology that is letting everyone slip in around us.  A big electronic seller this season is going to be wireless speakers.  Sonos has their Sonos 1 down to a very reasonable price point and is receiving (wirelessly I might add) great reviews.  We love for technology to slip into our world.  We are not that far away from being able to walk into our homes and wave our hands and we watch the house come alive. We like when technology seamlessly becomes friendly and useful. As I write this, I just watched a fox (ironic, huh?) slip down our ice covered street and into the bushed behind our house.  When, and if, we can have our products and services feel like they just slipped. like a fox, into our lives, like they were always there, then we know we have made it!

Jesus slipped into our world being born in the normal way, with the smallest of fanfare that could be be imagined. But with that slipping in, He brought so much more.  With His slipping in, He made a huge noise and as this great song says, “Love crashed into the World” (don’t let that song is part of a children’s program deter you from listening.  Remember, when we listen and are open and kids, God speaks).  We slip through the world in our lives and our jobs, but let’s never forget that with our presence, a word, our decisions we can make a huge crashing sound for Christ! Let today be one of those days!

Reference: Luke 2:7 (New Living Translation)