Tag Archives: foursquare

day 2111: What Spurs Us To Move?

“For in him we live and move and exist….”

The CEO of MoveCoach, sent me the statistic that across all of the companies that use the movecoach platform to engage employees to move and be fit, that in the age bracket of 24-29 that in the last few weeks there has been a spike of movement by 24%.  Of course, we know what has caused that spike; this age group is out there hunting for their Pokemons.  It’s truly amazing how fast and engaging Pokemon Go has become and more importantly, it may well be the gateway to the location based services that everyone imagined could have happened when FourSquare and others came onto the scene.  New business models will be built off of the Pokemon Platform and we are now into another new technology frontier.

A fun little game gets us physically moving but what does it take to get us spiritually moving?  Too many times it takes a situation or crisis to get us to return to our knees and searching for what God has to say to us.  Our spiritual journey is one that requires movement as God challenges us to move closer to Him each and every moment and day. Let’s not let it have to be a situation that spurs us to move.

Reference:  Acts 17:28 (New Living Translation)