Tag Archives: Food Trucks

day 2599: Food Trucks

Then Jesus explained: “My nourishment comes from doing the will of God, who sent me, and from finishing his work.”

Food Trucks.  They are the thing now.  Companies are inviting food trucks to pull up near their company, willing to lose the revenue of their own cafeterias, so that their employees can have choice and get that “we ate from food trucks today” hip badge.  It was not that long ago that eating from a food truck was reserved for those who couldn’t get to a cafeteria, like construction sites.  But today, the food trucks are considered the coolest and the best alternative.  A basic need like nutrition, as we always have known can be made cool – that’s the restaurant world.  But, turning food trucks into a first choice is a great marketing and cultural change.  It begs the question as to what else do we have in front of us that we could, with a little marketing and repositioning turn something we didn’t like into something we desire to have?

I know I sometimes take for granted that Jesus’ decision to follow the will of God was somehow so divine that Jesus didn’t consider anything else other than what was in front of Him.  But, we know that He prayed that the cup be taken from Him but only if it was God’s will.  Jesus’ power and ability could have been conveniently leveraged to grasp power, create wealth and riches for Himself and his disciples, become so popular that He could have made anyone believe in Him. But, he didn’t reach for that type of nourishment.  It’s like He didn’t fall for the world’s food trucks, instead He stayed on the meal of God’s will, even when He knew that was going to be was harder than what any other human would have ever experienced. And, to carry the metaphor further, Jesus never looked at His nourishment as something that he took for granted.  He finished His meal.  All of it and just for us!  Where are we going to get our nourishment from today?

Reference:  John 4:34 (New Living Translation)