Tag Archives: finishing

day 2071: Finishing Touch

“I brought glory to you here on earth by completing the work you gave me to do.”

We all know someone who has the reputation for always ensuring that the finishing touches are in place on anything they do.  You’d think that there would be many such people, but in actuality, they are rare.  So, when we have one on our team they become the go-to person for when we need the job done well, all the way through completion.  It might be worth our time to sit down and evaluate who on the team we know have the finishing touch and ensure that they are feeling valued and loved.

Was there ever a greater finisher than Jesus?  He prayed to The Father like many of us do to have burdens and weights taken from us, but Jesus prayed in way much different than most of us do.  He finished His prayers with the commitment that He would still do what was The Father’s will.  And then, He finished what He started.  We can be like Jesus in the eyes of others by being ones who bring a finishing touch in all that we do.

Reference: John 17: 4 (New Living Translation)