Tag Archives: Feedback that goes unheard

day 3K62: Feedback That Goes Unheard

“But God did listen! He paid attention to my prayer.”

Wonder why people just up and quit on us?  We think all is going well and then “surprise”, they leave.  We do exit interviews and we talk about the drivers of their departure and somewhere down deep we might hear something to the effect that they were trying to tell us something, but they didn’t feel heard.  I don’t remember who said this, but it stuck with me that a prime catalyst of turnover is that someone gave feedback that went unheard.  And, after one goes to the trouble, and sometimes risk, to provide honest and direct feedback, only to be ignored or unheard, then it will feel that everything that could be done and said is out there, so moving on is the next best choice.  It’s enough to make us stop and think…what feedback have we been given that we haven’t yet heard?

Imagine that God told us that He listens to us but may or may not act on our prayers?  I doubt many of us would pray and seek to have a conversation with God if that was the case.  Instead, we have the gift of His promise to always hear and respond.  That should make us want to go to Him incessantly with all that we have.

Reference:  Psalm 66:19 (New Living Translation