Tag Archives: Ephesians 2:10

day 2249: Indefinite Lifespan

“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago”

Much work is being done on the expansion of one’s life. While no realistic work will lead towards immortality, the term Indefinite Lifespan represents what might be the effect of the extension of one’s lifespan through research and application of technology.  It’s obvious that these efforts are paying off as we are living longer.  Just how far will it go?  Only time will tell. It was not that long ago that a company that survived 50 years was considered special.  Today, we have many examples of companies that are knocking on the door of 100 years old and continuing on.  There is no definite lifespan on corporations and organizations but the same regenerative thinking that we are using for our lifespan can bring the same attitude and spirit of innovation and recreation to our workplaces.

While we know that with our belief and faith that our eternal souls are secure, we still must face the human challenges of aging and considering that we won’t be here, like we are now, forever.  It’s why we must make the most of every day that is given to us.  God wants us to be productive in our lives.  If He didn’t, He wouldn’t have given us the talents that we possess.  So, if we are wondering what it is that we can do today; we can be as productive as we can be and know that in that, we are honoring what has been given to us, in this beautiful indefinite lifespan.

Reference:  Ephesians 2:10 (New Living Translation)