Tag Archives: Ecclesiastes 9:11

day 1427: Season of Change

“For everything there is a season,  a time for every activity under heaven.”

As with anything, there is a time for change, but if consider how hard that change is, well, you can imagine why it is that we so few of like to change things about what we do, who we are, and how we go about those routines we have in our lives.  But, if we don’t take the time, take the risk, and put in the extra effort to change, we will stagnate because things that stay the same get old and lose their relevance and ability to impact.  Businesses that don’t change don’t grow and those that don’t grow, die.  So we have to find our seasons of change and go for it.  Not recklessly, but with still with energy and courage.  What season of change are you facing that right now you know you need to go for it, but are hesitant?  Let me encourage you that there is no better time to change for the future, than now.

Those of you who have been reading purposed worKING since the beginning, (October 1, 2008) have seen a few format changes over the years, but for the most part we have been doing the same things Monday-Friday for nearly six years (had you told me I would be doing this for six years, I would have laughed).  But, it’s time for change and I hope that the move to this dedicated site will allow for change to occur. I have ideas for what may come to give you even better ways to interact with the blog, to share it with others more easily, and to enjoy it in other formats.  So, if you will stick with me through this season of change, I would really appreciate it and I will give it my all to get better and better, which is what change is all about, right? God wants us to be our best and change is all part of how we improve.

Reference: Ecclesiastes 3: 1 (New Living Translation)