Tag Archives: Don’t Forget The Water

day 2404: Don’t Forget The Water

“She said, “Give me another gift. You have already given me land in the Negev; now please give me springs of water, too.” So Caleb gave her the upper and lower springs.”

Nestle is fighting a PR battle in Michigan over the extraction of water for their business. They need water.  Everyone needs water.  Wars have been fought and will be fought over water access and use. Water is life-giving and life-sustaining.  Not all businesses need as much water as Nestle, but we each have some “thing” that is the life-blood of our ability to sustain and grow. Whatever that resource, including talent, we have to know how to cultivate and protect what it is that keeps us going. It’s easy to take our eye off the ball and start to assume that what has always been there, will always be available.  But, just ask a business that depends on water how much they worry about where water will come from in the future.  In response, they will show strategic plans, tactical plans and emergency plans to make sure that the water keeps flowing.

Land without water is not all that useful. Caleb’s daughter Acsah realized this when she asked her father for an additional blessing to be provided springs of water to accompany the land that they had already been assigned.  And, her request was granted.  What if she had not asked?  She and her husband would have had their land, but may have lived a life of worry and strife because they had not secured the water to sustain the land and their flocks. I take from this account that God wants us to not be afraid to ask for more water.  He does tell us more than once that He is the One who can take away our thirst.  We are marching through our work lives, day by day, step by step, year by year and without “water” to sustain us we will never fulfill the journey or potential of what we can be. So, today, let’s not forget to ask Him for our water.

Reference: Joshua 15:19 (New Living Translation)