Tag Archives: Deuteronomy 29:29; Once We Know

day 2413: Once We Know

“The Lord our God has secrets known to no one. We are not accountable for them, but we and our children are accountable forever for all that he has revealed to us, so that we may obey all the terms of these instructions.

Seems I can’t go anywhere that I am not asked about how we are to manage in today’s day and age as it relates to misconduct and behaviors that impact culture in the workplace.  There was a time that it was standard practice to push someone back to their boss and the best thing to do was to have them work it out between themselves.  But, through today’s lens that is not recognizing that power is at play and the one without power shouldn’t be the one who has the burden of remedy.  We are in an age where once we know, we are in the know and those in the know must act until all that can be done is done.  It’s not the perfect litmus test or axiom, but if we are put in the know, we can’t let it go.

God doesn’t hold us accountable for what we don’t know, but He is clear, once we do know what is right and wrong in His eyes, we are accountable to Him. There is responsibility in following Jesus and we all will fall short of that responsibility, and that’s way okay with God.  But, He wants us to keep trying and to keep coming back to Him for that graceful and merciful forgiveness. He also wants us to be a reflection of that forgiving spirit to those around us. That we know.  And, that we shouldn’t ever let go.

Reference:  Deuteronomy 29:29 (New Living Translation)