Tag Archives: decision making

day 619: When Yes Means Yes

“My yes means yes because Jesus Christ, the Son of God, never wavers between yes and no.”

I’ve written before that I think one of the worst phrases spoken in business is, “I don’t disagree.” I wish that when we heard that we would all push back on the person saying it and ask, “So, you agree, is that what you are saying?” Not being strong enough to say “yes” or “no” is not the sign of a decisive and confident person or a leader. Leaders say “yes” when they mean it and “no” when they disagree. And best, if they are undecided, then they are confident enough in themselves that they can say so and then go seek new information or data to help them make the decision. Those who flip-flop back and forth from yes to no to yes again only add confusion into a situation and ultimately hurt their own reputation and standing with their peers and bosses. In times of stress and turmoil, we don’t need wishy-washy decisions. We need firm and convicted yeses or no’s. Those who build that reputation are the ones who will move up and become counted on for more.

As we strive to bring glory to God in our work, as our purpose, we will be well served to follow Paul’s example on being decisive. Paul rebukes those that criticized him for changing his mind. He does not say that we can’t change our mind, when we haven’t yet made up our mind, but he makes it clear that when we say yes, we need to stick with it and be like the example of Christ who never wavered between yes and no. In this time we live in it is hard to be firmly in a yes or a no camp as the pull to change is great. Today, know what is yes and what is no and stick with the decision. Be firm if you have to, it’s okay. At the end of a day where you stick with the decision made, you will have been more of a shining example than you know.

Reference: 2 Corinthians 1:17-19 (New Living Testament)