Tag Archives: david brickner

day 2162: Looking Forward

“For before John came, all the prophets and the law of Moses looked forward to this present time.”

Let’s be honest with ourselves.  Looking backwards only does good if we are using the past to inform where we are trying to move to the future. If we hang in the past because we don’t have any future that we want to explore then we should expect that we are going to get passed by and the future isn’t going to be much fun. So, the past is relevant.  The past is important.  The past must though, become only what it is, the past.  There is a reason why we warn of “dwelling on the past” because usually we tend to want to cozy up the to past and pick up the history and warm ourselves with memories.  But, that dwelling doesn’t move us forward and in business that is the only path that is sustainable.

My friend David Brickner sent this for New Years.  It is a quote and poem from Leighton Ford. The quote is from Leighton’s granddaughter who said to the family:

“You can never cross the ocean unless you forget about the shore.”

That puts the past in just the right context.  And that reinforces how important it is for us to move forward.

The poem is also so good that it had to be shared:

                                A Prayer at the End and Beginning of a Year

Lord, give me I pray:

A remembering heart for the things that have happened.

An attentive heart to what I have learned.

A forgiving heart for what has hurt.

A grateful heart for what has blessed.

A brave heart for what may be required.

An open heart to all that may come.

A trusting heart to go forth with You.

A loving heart for You and all your creation.

A longing heart for the reconciliation of all things.

A willing heart to say “Yes” to what You will

                    Leighton Ford

Reference:  Matthew 11:13 (New Living Translation)