Tag Archives: controlling

day 2130: Controllers

“When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them because they were confused and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.”

We generally don’t like command and control type of leadership style. We don’t like controllers.  No one does, except for Finance Leaders.  Most public companies have a Controller and that is their job, to “control” the finances of the company.  They are very black and white in their approach to business and they report to, or have a close relationship with, the Audit Committee to assure that nothing is out of control.  But even Controllers have to learn to do their job in a way that doesn’t alienate or put down others.  We all know someone who loves to be controlling in their style and we also know that if they are not careful, they will find themselves surrounded by no one, because no one likes to be controlled.  So, unless you have the title of Controller, and even if you do, a culture of controlling is not a culture that will bring to and keep the best people in the company.

Do you consider Jesus a controller over us?  He certainly could have been but God chose that this was not the way that Jesus would be with us.  Instead of being the controller, he is the shepherd who leads us not because he controls us to do so, but because we choose to follow.  If we don’t want to be controlled, we don’t have to be, but if we don’t control ourselves then we won’t be following the way of the great shepherd, the great non-controller.

Reference: Matthew 9:36 (New Living Translation)