Tag Archives: clarity

day 1984: One Clear Sentence

“On the day Jonah entered the city, he shouted to the crowds: “Forty days from now Nineveh will be destroyed!”

What makes a convincing and compelling pitch to move people?  In many cases it comes down to the simple statement that says it all and then is delivered at the right time, by the right person. Think of times when this is true and when it didn’t work out as planned.  Message, timing and deliverer.  When all three are right, it works.  When we miss one of these the message falls short or on deaf or cynical ears.  Inside of our companies, lots of people have or will say the same thing but then because there is simplicity and clarity, at the needed time, said by one who is trusted, respected and credible it all comes together.  And such that it looks almost too easy.  Yet, we must be deliberate and well-planned to make this “ease” work.

Jonah marches into Ninevah and within one day’s walk, which was one-third of the way through the city, and with a single statement that in forty days he city would be obliterated, he was able to get the entire population to believe.  Let us remember that without God that Jonah probably would not have been listened to or believed.  But with God, He was able to change them and ultimately save their lives.  We probably aren’t being called today to save someone’s life, but we are being put in places and situations where we can through our witness and lives, be a part of changing the lives of someone else.  Today, let’s be listening to what God wants us to say to others.

Reference:  Jonah 3:4 (New Living Translation)