Tag Archives: circular decisions

day 2201: Circular Decisions

“We will not hide these truths from our children;we will tell the next generation about the glorious deeds of the Lord, about his power and his mighty wonders.”

Patti and I were with a home designer last week and while he was showing us some different options for designs he mentioned how many times it occurs where his clients will look and look at options and alternatives only to end up coming back to the first option they saw.  This got me thinking that the couple who ended up buying our last home had said that our house was the first one they saw and after a year of looking at other homes, they came back to ours.  How many times do we interview candidates for a job and find that the person we hired was the first one we interviewed, but we just kept seeing other people only because we somehow need to validate that haven’t made the wrong first decision? The human instinct (gut) knows us well and may be a lot smarter than we give it credit.

It might be that one of the reasons that it in our childishness nature that we can fall in love with Jesus is because we don’t over think it and we let our heart rule over our head when we accept Him into our lives.  It is also why we should be exposing our children to Him early, even when we aren’t sure they can even understand what is going on around them.  What we plant now will take root in the future.  Yesterday, I wrote of growing up and that we all are reborn when we invite Him into our life.  As we look for opportunities to share our love of Jesus with others, it will be in others’ most childlike and instinctive moments that God will become most real to them, bringing them circularly back to where they started.

Reference: Psalm 78:4 (New Living Translation)