Tag Archives: Chrysoberyl

day 3K317: Chatoyant

“These tablets were God’s work; the words on them were written by God himself.”

By now you know that I Iove words and especially words that are new to me.  Chatoyant is a new one for me.  It means an illusion that occurs when something that is smooth is struck by light in a certain way that the surface then looks as though it has levels of depth.  Examples are certain gems and woods.  Probably the best example are the gemstones Chrysoberyl and “Tiger’s Eye”.  A lot of our work that seems smooth until a light is shined upon it and we then see the multiple layers and dimensions that are actually below a final product. We should appreciate and value chatoyancy of work when we see it.

My church has started a series on “Living the Word”.  I will be speaking on the topic of the Promises of the Bible this coming weekend (I’ll post the link for the online message next Monday).  The reason I bring this up is that God’s Word is the ultimate example of what might appear to be just one thing but as God shines His light upon us as we explore the depths of His Word, we find layer upon layer that is written just for us.  The depth is there, we only have to dive in!

Reference: Exodus 32:16 (New Living Translation)