Tag Archives: christmas

day 2749: A World Of Trouble

“Oh, how my soul praises the Lord. How my spirit rejoices in God my Savior! For he took notice of his lowly servant girl, and from now on all generations will call me blessed. For the Mighty One is holy, and he has done great things for me.”

Work is full of troubles that can get us down. We look at these challenges as really big ones because we have to deal with them for so many hours a day, so many days a week, and with financial security, career reputations and emotional impact all weighing in the balance. We see these troubles as serious weights around our necks and no matter how we want to lighten them up, they are real and must be managed and dealt with. After all, it’s work… and with each success comes a challenge before it and sometimes it’s trouble that we have to work through to get to that success.

We just left the Christmas season and I can only imagine the troubles that Mary, the Mother of God, must have felt in the months leading up to the birth of Christ. An unmarried woman, carrying a child that was not that of her fiancee, managing the stigma socially but also the pressures and stresses of what was happening to her. Yes, even with these troubles, beyond anything imaginable, Mary in Luke 1:46-49 proclaims the greatness of the Lord and puts all of her troubles aside to recognize the marvelous and miraculous thing that was about to happen. If today or tomorrow, we think we have it rough, it would be the right time to put things in the perspective of Mary and look to see if there is not something wonderful that God wants to do with you that will emanate from the overcoming of your challenges and troubles.

Reference: Luke 1:46-49 (New Living Testament)