Tag Archives: can to can’t

day 2198: Can to Can’t

“Jesus spoke to the people once more and said, “I am the light of the world. If you follow me, you won’t have to walk in darkness, because you will have the light that leads to life.”

“Can to can’t” is colloquial for working from “can see to can’t see”, a term that was used during slavery times for the time to work in the fields.  They started when they could see and stopped when they couldn’t.  That level of physical endurance, day after day, year after year is hard to fathom.  If we today work from “can to can’t” we will likely do so inside and not on our feet for most, if for much time at all. But, we do work long and most work hard.  We’ve all seen how technology has allowed this to happen more than in the past but we also might be suspicious and wary of the technology that is coming that might allow the work to happen continuously, without our human involvement.  Watching and understanding the trending of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning is important as we will have “can to can’t” redefined or eliminated for us in the future.

Jesus told us that He is the light of the world and as such, He makes it possible for us to live for Him at all times without a “can’t” time. While machines may replace how we work, it will always be that we as God’s creation will be the ones who will be the vessels for His light to shine to others.  Let’s today focus on allowing His light to shine through us so that all others “can”, not “can’t” see Christ.

Reference:  John 8:12 (New Living Translation)