Tag Archives: caleb’s cola

day 1527: Returning To Our Roots

“If you refuse to take up your cross and follow me, you are not worthy of being mine.”

One of my corporate alumnus’ is returning to their roots.  Pepsi-Cola announced that they will be releasing a new product called Caleb’s Kola.  This is in homage to the original North Carolinian pharmacist who created Pepsi-Cola in 1897.  This new drink will come in a nostalgic glass bottle, just like the good old days.  No matter how far we progress, we still will reminisce about the past and celebrate those who created something that we enjoy today. Generations from now the same will happen for companies like Apple and Steve Jobs. It’s actually quite significant that we hold onto our past as move to the future.  It’s a way to stay connected to our core values and to ensure that as we move into the future that we stay grounded in who and what we are.  CEOs and Boards change frequently.  Histories of companies are being created with each passing day.  What history are we creating for our company and to what roots can we return?

God always brings us back to the cross for when we need to return to what matters.  We can’t go wrong if we go the place where He gave it all for us and then move forward from there. If today, you are wondering which way to go next, return first to Him and then move forward from there.

Reference:  Matthew 10:38 (New Living Translation)