Tag Archives: Brother Al

day 3K9: A Fool’s Load

“For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.”

My brother-in-law Bob was recounting the lesson he learned from Brother Al, the Passionate Order Deacon who was in charge of the Retreat House that Bob was a busboy at in high school.  Bob would try and carry too much in one try and if a dish (or lots of them) fell and broke, Brother Al told him that “A fool’s Load never ends well.”  We all could take a lesson from Brother Al.  When we bite off more than we can chew and over commit we run the risk of dropping those things that we wouldn’t have had we not try and take on a “Fool’s Load.”

I am guilty of carrying the “Fool’s Load” more often than I would like to admit.  When I do, I can feel it emotionally, physically and yes, spiritually as I falter under the weight and the pressures that come with overdoing it.  It is then when I must remind myself that I need to remain balanced and firm in His footing, knowing that His load is light.

Reference:  Matthew 11:30 (New Living Translation)