Tag Archives: boston marathon

day 2217: Consistency

“I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.”

It is Patriots Day, but even more than that, it is the day for the 121st annual running of The Boston Marathon.  The Boston Marathon is always run on Patriots Day, which is always the third Monday of April. There is a nice consistency to this event.  Maybe the greatest representative runner of The Boston Marathon was Bill Rodgers. Rodgers won the 1979 Marathon and has been a fixture of the New England running scene since. The famous poster of him capturing the ’79 victory says, “To be a consistent winner means preparing not just one day, one month, or even one year – but for a lifetime.”  No truer words could be spoken about running, but also about the world of business.  We can’t expect to have a long and productive career if we aren’t always preparing; looking out into the future and building the daily endurance to face whatever it will be that challenges us next!

Paul, our resident Biblical athlete, extended the finish line for us beyond this life and tells us to prepare to race right into eternity.  And recognize that He doesn’t say that we should start at death, but we start today and then press on!  So, it is with both Paul and Bill Rodgers that we can be inspired and encouraged for consistently preparing today, tomorrow, the next and on and on until we receive the ultimate prize!

Reference: Philippians 3:14 (New Living Translation)