Tag Archives: boeing

day 2613: Self-Certification

“My old self has been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me. So I live in this earthly body by trusting in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.”

What has happened with Boeing and their grounded planes has become more and more concerning. I’ve been trying to keep up with the news and what the investigations are showing. I was reading that one of the problems identified was that the FAA had turned over to Boeing some of the certification process.  Self-certification is nothing new. I remember when I worked at Pratt & Whitney and the FAA and DOD turned over some of the certification processes to the company and at each stage and step, a human being had to sign off that the part or piece that they had manufactured or assembled were made or put together to the exact specifications to pass certification. There was never any question as to these certifications because with each and every signature there was an attesting to safety and the protection of lives that were in the balance. The thing here is that this was hardware. Software becomes much harder to self-certify.  Software creation goes beyond machining or assembling a part.  It can become personal and because our work and identity are so intertwined it becomes hard (nearly impossible) to say, “My software doesn’t work”.  As in many things, we have to make sure that our processes keep up with the technology advancements and the implications from those areas that must be considered just because we are human.

God allows us to daily self-certify with Him.  Each day we are taught and challenged to examine ourselves and continue to have our old self die as our new self in Christ lives and grows. We must always be asking ourselves where are we falling short and how are we self-correcting and allowing God to work through us. If we pay attention today to the areas that we feel like we are being tested, it may be that these are the areas where we need to do some more self-certification work.

Reference: Galatians 2:20 (New Living Translation)