Tag Archives: beth mooney

day 1923: Footnotes

“The master said, ‘Well done, my good and faithful servant….”

A few weeks ago in Business Week, they profiled the CEO and Chairman of KeyCorp, one of the top banks in the U.S.  In the story of how she got to where she is, Business Week highlighted that currently, Beth Mooney is the only female CEO of a large bank.  Her quote about this was, “I’m the first and currently only female CEO of a top U.S. bank.  I hope that when I retire it’s a footnote, not a headline.”  Ms. Mooney hopes that things will change by the time she retires and that there will be many female CEOs.  I was struck by her humility.  In sports sometimes we will hear those who have earned accolades and records hope that others will surpass them, but we don’t hear it often enough.  Having the humility to be the top, or the first and then do all you can to be sure that someone else replaces your position is the true sign of humble leadership.

All that we will do today only matters if we hear at our death, “Well done, my good and faithful servant.”  The rest will not matter.  So, all that we focus on today should be about ensuring that only God’s footnote is the one that counts.

Reference:  Matthew 25:23