Tag Archives: Apps

day 2360: $0.99 Easy

“He did all this so you would never say to yourself, ‘I have achieved this wealth with my own strength and energy.’

At the beginning of the Internet, everything digital was free.  No one would pay for anything.  We’d get the consumer right to the point of putting in their credit card number and then they’d abandon (the internet term that became a measure of success or failure – “The Abandon Rate”) the purchase.  We long questioned why?  Was it that the content on the Internet wasn’t of value?  Was it that they didn’t trust the Internet company to actually deliver what was being sold?  Was it that they didn’t trust the security of their credit card with an unknown retailer?  Was it that it seemed silly to pay for something when you could go to another site and get it for free?  I think it was all the above and oh my have we moved past those days! If you don’t think we have, just think back to your last App or In-App purchase and how fast that transaction for 0.99 went; with just one fingerprint or access code.  “Easy peazy” as they would say. It’s great news for digital purveyors who have content of value to be sold.  Breaking our purchases down into small incremental amounts that can add up, is a smart way to do business.

But, let’s not get too heady about how easy it is to now sell and make money. God reminds us that when we begin to get haughty about these things, that we are in the wrong place with Him. Nothing of what we achieve in our jobs or career is just because of us.  It’s not us that created the skills and talents we have.  It’s not us that opened and closed the doors that we couldn’t even imagine, much less controlled.  It’s a reminder today that we come to the marketplace each and every day with what God has given us and we need to be reminded that success as defined by the world, is not ours, it is from Him and that these successes should be proceeded with gratitude and humility.

Reference: Deuteronomy 8:17 (New Living Translation)