Tag Archives: aol

day 2287: Goodbye AIM

“Serve only the Lord your God and fear Him alone. Obey his commands, listen to his voice, and cling to Him.”

Way back last century in the 90’s AOL introduced Instant Messenger or AIM.  As consumers and users, we jumped on it as the quickest and most open way to communicate with each other.  It took us a great leap forward and it was that way until text messaging through our iPhones and others moved AIM aside. And now, it is irrelevant enough that AOL (or Oath as is now called) decided to shut it down. The point is that what looked unstoppable and dominant was nothing more than a temporary bridge to something else that was better.  If you are building your business around anything (business model, technology, access, and yes, even people) that you think will be around forever, then expect to be disappointed, maybe sooner than you think.

There is only one constant and continuous place or us to aim our hearts and minds and that is on Christ.  He is the one and only that we can count on today and forever.  It is when we aim our focus or heart in another direction that we get in trouble.  So, say not goodbye to your aim today, but instead hello to the right and true aim.

Reference: Deuteronomy 13:4 (New Living Translation)