Tag Archives: angels

day 2393: The Beauty Of Order

“For he will order his angels to protect you wherever you go.”

We love order.  To some extent, we crave order.  Many a startup has adopted the “no organization chart” principle only to find out that with growth, no one knows who works for whom, who to talk to about an idea or issue, or how to order their work. And one day, someone who has the courage puts together an organization chart and there is a calming of the cry for order.  We order the work of our days the best we can and when in order we feel more secure to create and improvise.  When we are without order, we have fear and contain what would take disorder and turn it to chaos or disaster.  So, with a little order we actually can tap into and unleash all kinds of amazing possibilities.

Saint Augustine said, “Order disposes all things, regular and irregular, in the places they fit.” We are part of God’s mosaic of order of Angels and all of His creations in how His Kingdom fits together here on Earth. If we have order in our lives, then we forward and fulfill the larger order He wishes to create.  But if not, then we become a barrier to the pieces fitting together as they should.  God is the master artist who longs to bring beauty through our order.

Reference: Psalm 91:11 (New Living Translation)