Tag Archives: al gore

day 2269: Hard Rights

“Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.”

I was on a conference call where Vice President Al Gore was speaking about the sequel of the film, “An Inconvenient Truth”, which is opening today.  As he was discussing his stance on climate change he made a clear statement about choices.  He said that in anything in life we have the choice of the “Hard Rights” or the “Easy Wrongs.”  That stuck with me as I find that to be true in so many things in business and life.  Why is it so many times hard to follow the rules, but so easy to break them?  Why is it harder to tell the truth sometimes than it is to tell that little white lie? Why is it so hard to complete the job versus cut the corner?  We are faced with these decisions each and every day and what we all learn (or I hope we do) is that while the right may feel hard today, righting a wrong will be much harder tomorrow.

We have no choice! If we are to stand up straight with Christ as our driver and light, we have to live to the hard rights! When we take the easy wrongs, we invite the cry of “Hypocrite!” I am so far from being able to say that I always choose the hard rights, but I am supported to do so in the words of Jesus that we should all strive to seek the hard rights first and foremost!

Reference: Matthew 6:33 (New Living Translation)