Tag Archives: 404 error

day 1222: 404 Errors

“Your unfailing love will last forever. Your faithfulness is as enduring as the heavens.”

When trying to find a web page that is either not there or won’t load for some reason, the internet returns to us a “404 error”.  A “404 error” will be also used when pages have been moved or deleted.  We’ve gotten used to this term and in some places of the world, people use the term “404” as slang for one being clueless or “out of it”.  I remember when the game The Sims was being created and the idea of bubbles over the avatars heads to show their thoughts was begin created.  I can only imagine if in real life we had those and we could see all of the “404 errors” that happen each and every day and hour in our workplaces.  There is nothing wrong with not having all of the information necessary or even being wrong, but when we don’t stop and try to course correct and go get the right information, then it’s like continuing to pound on the keyboard and keep getting a “404” message.  When our customers can’t seem to get an answer from us that satisfies them, they feel the same “404” frustration. Let’s consider how fully and responsibly we are taking our ability to deliver back, each and every time, the right and the full data, information and answers.

There are no “404 errors” in God’s Kingdom.  If we follow and commit our will to Him in full faith then what results can only be of His liking.  Yesterday our church, Cornerstone, celebrated 60 years of being in existence and 25 years of having the same Pastor.  The celebration service took place at the famous Warfield Theater in downtown San Francisco.  This was something the church had never done before and there was some anxiousness around whether or not it would all come together.  With full faith and trust, the service was amazing and even if there were errors, since no one knew what to expect, they never saw them.  This reminded me that when we are with God, He takes care of the mistakes and He never lets a “404 error” occur because He can always be found if we are only looking for Him.

Reference: Psalm 89:2 (New Living Translation)