Tag Archives: 4 minute mile

day 2370: Barrier Breaking

“He isn’t here! He is risen from the dead, just as He said would happen.”

I woke yesterday morning to the news that Sir Roger Bannister had died.  As the first person to break the 4 minute mile record, he stood out as an example of a barrier breaker.  We have many who break barriers and some get celebrated and some don’t but time seems to have a way of acknowledging those who went first and if they did it in the right way, they are remembered and better yet, they inspire others to do the same.  What barriers in our own companies are we ready to break?  Do we have those who have not only the courage, but also the tenacity and the preparedness to do what it takes to break that barrier?  Roger Bannister just didn’t go out and decide one day he would run a 3:59.4 mile.  He made a decision long before that he would, then he did.

We are in the Easter season.  I am excited as we prepare for the celebration of Christ’s resurrection.  Our church, Cornerstone San Francisco, is preparing a new musical called, “Come and See”.  I play a small part in it, and it reminded me so personally that Jesus broke the greatest barrier of all, just for you and me.

Reference:  Matthew 28:6 (New Living Translation)