Tag Archives: 2 Peter 1:12

day 3K46: One At A Time

“Therefore, I will always remind you about these things—even though you already know them and are standing firm in the truth you have been taught.”

Cost savings is not easy but I know that many are looking now at the expense line as the price of many commodities and supplies have increased.  It’s not an easy exercise as it can seem overwhelming at times.  But, sometimes deciding what can be let go without losing the full essence of an offering will work.  The airlines industry has to do this all the time as they balance the cost of fuel and labor against revenue loss periods.  Small things add up for the airlines.  American Airlines reportedly saved $40,000 a year by removing one olive off of the salads in First Class.  Sometimes, the small things add up, one at a time.

Our lives are made up of small moments, one at a time, that turn into life stages and ultimately, a life time.  If our approach is that of paying attention to each action, each word, each decision as one at a time, we stand a better chance of drawing the trend line of life that we desire.  There aren’t examples of Jesus multi-tasking.  He was the ultimate “be here now” paying attention person when He walked the Earth.  He taught us to pray for our daily sustenance and to focus in on Him in the small things, paying attention, one at a time.

Reference:  2 Peter 1:12 (New Living Translation)