Tag Archives: 2 Corinthians 8:24

day 2007: Me Too

“So show them your love…”

We have to already be good, or become good at telling stories. And not just any stories, but stories of what our companies can do to fulfill the needs and desires of our customers. And how do we do that? We do that by telling stories where those who are listening or receiving the stories hear in their heads, “Me Too”.  Me too is what makes a song emotional, a movie realistic, a book gripping, or an advertisement motivating. When we can see ourselves in the stories we experience, we then are ready to complete that story for ourselves and others. I remind job seekers that when they tell the recruiter or hiring manager the story of themselves, that they need to be sure that the person can see themselves in our stories, because if they do, then they will want to help us make the next installment or end of the story have a happy ending. Do we know our own story well enough that everyone in the company can tell it and do we know our customers well enough that we are sure that they will hear, “Me Too”!

God could easily work everything through him directly. He could speak to each of us audibly, show up visibly and physically in our living rooms, perform miracles that we ask of Him every day. But that’s not God’s M.O. (method of operation).  No, instead what God does is that He works through people for others to see and recognize Him. Even His Word was written by people so that we get to know Him through people. So, today, we need to be cognizant of what part of us, it we share ourselves with others, receives a “me too”? Because in that “me too” is the beginning of someone else getting to know the love of God.

Reference: 2 Corinthians 8:24 (New Living Translation)