Tag Archives: 1 Peter

day 716: Networking

But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.”

Networking to find a job isn’t the only type of networking that we do in business. We are also always networking with other people inside and outside of our industry to learn more about opportunities that we don’t want to miss. I recently watched the movie “Too Big To Fail” (great cast, fantastic plot that couldn’t be made up, but too much of in-your-face writing for my taste) and among many other things, the movie reinforced the importance of always being networked and as much as possible on the good side of those we work around. A few different relationships that were stronger and better connected and some things might have been different for a few of the banks that were reeling in 2008. To be well networked is to know yourself as well as you might want to know others. It also means to be willing to give some of yourself to others for their needs, not always wanting to satisfy only what you are trying to achieve for yourself. It is good business to stay truly networked and connected, in the right way. One never knows what we might learn, know, and need to know from someone who is thought by others as a competitor.

We personally network all day long. We meet new people and we get our chance to help and also tell our story. In 1 Peter we are challenged to know ourselves well enough that when our time comes to tell others about ourselves that we are ready to give an answer about what makes us hopeful. It’s about having our story and testimony on the tip of our tongues at all time. It’s also knowing how to do this in a way that as we are told is done with “Gentleness and respect”. Today, there will come an opportunity to tell someone else about yourself. How ready will you be to expand your network with the answer about yourself that can open the eyes and hearts of others?

Reference: 1 Peter 3:15 (New Living Testament)