day 827: Build To Suit

“And this is the plan: At the right time he will bring everything together under the authority of Christ—everything in heaven and on earth.”

Commercial real estate seems to be on the rebound. While beleaguered with the same mortgage backed securities issues that the residential market faced, the commercial market has seemed to fair better and we are seeing a return to pre-recession activity. While still not out of the hole the market is getting better. Commercial real estate owners are risk takers. They purchase properties, not knowing who the tenants may end up being and sometimes they have to actually build out their properties to meet the needs for potential long-term tenants. This is called “building to suit” and it involves capital and operational risks. While it may look easy to own commercial property it takes being more than just an owner, it means being a builder of not only a property but of a broader business venture.

What God is doing for each of His believers and followers is “building to suit” a Kingdom for us and that Kingdom is being built out each and every day by the way that we spread His Good News and model His life in ours. We get to be a part of this Kingdom building with no risks attached. All we have to do is believe and follow. We must ask ourselves, are we participating in His Kingdom building at the level that He expects or are we off building something else? Each day that we have is an opportunity to not be missed.

Reference: Ephesians 1:10 (New Living Testament)