Category Archives: purposed worKING

day 487: What Is Required?

“To whom much is given, much is required”. We all know this statement and Word of God. Some people take it very seriously, others don’t think much about it all. Those who take it to heart usually end up doing something good with the rewards they have received from their talents, their work, their financial gains. But, how often do we think about what is really required from us, especially at work, from what we have been given? This is not about giving back financially but about doing an inventory of our talents, skills and experiences and seeing how we could spread those to other people. A missed opportunity for most of us that we don’t see is that we can be teachers and developers of others. And all we have to do is think about what we are good at and pass the learning and the knowledge on to someone else who doesn’t have the skill or yet the experience. If we are good at something, we are blessed. That blessing has been given to us. Now, what are we required to do with it? If we take the time to look around at others with who we work and begin to see part of our requirements to build them up and make them better, then we may be fulfilling why those talents were given to us in the first place. So, today, think about what you are good at and thank God for that! Then, become deliberate about passing it forward and passing it along. Do this and who knows how much more might be given to you!

Reference: Matthew 25:29 (New Living Testament)