Category Archives: purposed worKING

day 502: Sometimes, We Just Have To Take It

There are few things worse on our jobs than being dressed down unfairly by someone with whom we work. Surprisingly, it is not unusual, especially in this fast-paced, sound-bite, text based, Twitter feed, world that we live and work within. Just this last week, in the technology space, there was a public sharing of some emails that were written and sent among some of the best and most well-known angel investors in Silicon Valley. I happen to know all of the players and to a person, they all have their hearts in the right place, but in the world of investing in Silicon Valley, passions run high and people move fast, sometimes too fast. In this case, words were written and expressed that I am sure want to be reeled back in and were never expected to become public, but they ended up in the press. Even those with the biggest hearts and right intentions can have a moment that if given the opportunity for a re-do they would take. This is all part of being human, busy and moving at today’s expected speed. Who in today’s jobs hasn’t had a similar experience with a rash reaction, the emotional email, or the vitriolic voice mail? It just happens. What we have to learn is that most times, we are so much better off just taking it, regardless if we deserve it or not, and trust that what is best will be the outcome. This is so hard to do, I know! But, when we are in that moment and we want to react, then let’s remember that what Jesus endured, without reaction is more than any of us will ever experience. We read what Isaiah prophesied and what came to pass; “He was oppressed and treated harshly, yet he never said a word. He was led as a lamb to the slaughter. And as a sheep is silent before the shearers, he did not open his mouth.” We won’t face this today on the job, but when we face what seems incomprehensible or unfair treatment, ridicule or embarrassment, then let us model our reactions after our Lord and learn to not react or overreact.

Reference: Isaiah 53:7 (New Living Testament)