Category Archives: purposed worKING

day 799: Keeping The Power On

“Then he called his twelve disciples together and gave them power”

In today’s day and age when the power goes off at work it’s like a snow day. Very little can get done in today’s workplace without power flowing into the business so we might as well go home until the power comes back on. I once was in a meeting in India when the power went off and at that time it was such a normal occurrence that the meeting just kept on going in the pitch-black conference room. This lasted about 10 minutes until the power came back. It was surreal for me and normal for all of the others from there. A couple of weeks ago the San Francisco 49ers were playing on National TV on Monday night football. Just before the game started a transformer blew in the neighborhood and plunged Candlestick Park into the dark for almost twenty minutes. Then again in the first half it happened again, delaying the game again. The ESPN announcers had a hay-day with the outages saying that the city should be embarrassed, etc. When the power goes out, it’s never good. Literally we need to keep the power on in our businesses and metaphorically we have to also keep the power flowing. It’s a way of thinking and an attitude to develop. Uninterrupted flowing of consistent power can be the difference between success and failure.

Jesus knew the importance of power being able to flow. He gives others His power. In Luke we read about how He gave power to His Disciples. What I find interesting in this verse is that there are many ways that Jesus wanted to transfer and give power to the disciples. He called them together to do this. It wasn’t done individually and this should give us great confidence in that as we work with others that there is power in numbers and those believers that we work with can and will be part of our own ability to stand firm, be strong and faithful to Him. We are also part of the power for others. Today as we go to work and are purposeful in bringing glory to God through our work, let’s do our best to a part of the positive power charge in our office and the lives of others.

Reference: Luke 9:1