Category Archives: purposed worKING

day 3K374: Word Of 2023

“As a face is reflected in water, so the heart reflects the real person.”

The “Word of the Year” as listed by Merriam-Webster is “Authentic”.  Surprisingly, it is not “A.I”, but certainly the choice of authentic is related to the effects of A.I. on all of us.  Along with “Conversations about celebrity, culture, identity and social media”, they said that the “Lines between real and fake has become increasingly blurred”. So, we literally and metaphorically in masses are searching and seeking for the “Authentic”.  That should tell us something about how we conduct ourselves and show up to our customers, consumers, partners, suppliers, shareholders and employees.

We are called to be authentic and to be real with God, ourselves and others. It may be one of the great challenges of life that we don’t spend enough time thinking about.  The temptation to be one way in a life situation and another way in other life situations is what gets in the way of us being authentic in front of God and others.  There is only one person who can guarantee our authenticity and that is ourselves.  As we work today let’s challenge ourselves to be truly authentic in all that we do and with all whom we interact.

Reference: Proverbs 27:19 (New Living Translation)