day 1982: No Grudges

“When God saw what they had done and how they had put a stop to their evil ways, he changed his mind and did not carry out the destruction he had threatened.”

“I don’t get revenge, I get even”, said the CEO to everyone else around him who could hear.  He held grudges and because he did, the organization became one of “getting even”.  And that wasn’t just internal, but also external. And so, there wasn’t much trust among anyone and the worse thing one could do was cross another for it would definitely come back around.  You can only imagine what the culture became and also what opportunities were missed to either take a risk or push and disagree on an issue.  And all because one person held grudges.  Let’s not allow our organizations to slip into this silent but deadly mode.

Our God of the Old Testament didn’t hold anything back.  When He was mad, He showed it.  And He did what He said He was going to do.  But, we also learn that He didn’t hold grudges.  Look no further than in the book of Jonah when He spared Ninevah from destruction because the city residents became repentant.  And this same God, carried that same approach through Jesus as He spares us when we repent and come to Him.  He holds no grudges and if we are to be bring glory to Him today, then we have to let our grudges go too.

Reference: Jonah 3:10 (New Living Translation)