day 1064: Tell The World ‘Dat…!

“Go ye into all the world, and preach the Gospel to every creature…”

I love a well orchestrated new product or service announcement.  When orchestrated correctly, within a 24-hour period we will read, see, hear and read, see, and hear about it all over again.  Better yet, someone we know and trust will say, “Hey, did you hear about…?”.  Whenever we launch we want the world to know about it and we do all we can to make that happen.  There are tricks to the trade so we need to be sure that we have the best of the best working on our launch and announcements if we want to get a great pickup.  I am still amazed at the number of companies who still think a press release coupled with a Facebook post and a few tweets will make it all come together.  Oh, if it was just that easy.  Product and service launches are much more strategic than that and being very surgical about the influencers who will spread the word and giving them their scripts and tapping their passion are all part of the art of  making noise.  Yes, we all want to “Tell the world ‘dat…” but it takes deliberate thinking and hard work to get into the jet stream of consciousness these days.  If you are contemplating a launch, don’t go it alone.  Find an expert or two and have them help you put together your plan.

God knows a thing or two about getting the world to pay attention to a message.  God has the loudest of all megaphones and with one darkened sky and thunderclap He could have everyone in the world looking up and listening to His loud voice telling us to “Repent!”.  But, that’s not our God.  He doesn’t impose a message on us.  Instead, he is counting on us as believers to be the spreaders of His word and message.  Just like we think about launching our products, we should be just as strategic in how we spread the Gospel.  For each of us, let’s start with ensuring that we are being a strong and credible witness for Christ and then also think carefully about the people who will be in contact with today – for each person; think about what would be the opening to share our faith.  We are commanded to “Tell the world ‘dat Jesus came for us”.  So, think about how you will tell the world ‘dat!

Reference: Mark 6:15 (New Living Translation)