day 681: Seriously

“So take this seriously. The Lord has chosen you to build a Temple as his sanctuary. Be strong, and do the work.”

By its’ nature, work is serious. While we sometimes work to make it fun, if not taken seriously then work that is done in not serious fashion can do real damage. Without seriousness, the bridge fails, the plane stops flying, the food is undercooked, the room is unclean, the diagnosis is wrong, the presentation is flawed, etc. We have to take work seriously. In fact, those businesses who are able to find a way that all the people who work within the company realize how important, critical and serious the work they do really is and how it fits into a bigger picture, are able to get more productivity and engagement from their people. And, it’s not about being able to say that the work that is being done is changing the world. While that would be nice, and some organizations are working on those types of projects, for most it is about the work that is being done being completed in way that is of the highest quality and standards of excellence. This matters. Serious work matters. Organizations that bring out the best of people and their seriousness to their jobs are doing something right.

When Solomon took over the responsibility to build the Temple, his Father, David, told him, “..Take this seriously”. It was serious work. What this verse tells me is that God’s work is serious and we are to take our responsibility of upholding and building up our part of God’s Temple seriously. Anything in our life that we take seriously, we will find ourselves focused and aligning the rest of our life to accomplish or achieve that goal or task. Those things that we don’t take seriously, or that we take lightly, don’t usually get done and if they do, it’s never as good as it could have been had we put more of ourselves into it. God asks us to live a life that reinforces Him to others as us being examples of what it means to follow and love the Lord. Is there anything that could be more serious? God calls us to a great and abundant life in following Him, but with that comes us taking it seriously.

Reference: 1 Chronicles 28:10 (New Living Testament)