day 165: Passion

One of the words we hear when we hire and evaluate people is the word “passion”. We want to work around and with people who have and show passion about their work, about their job and about their company. When someone is passionate about something it is contagious and we can see others beginning to rally and follow the person who shows the “fire in the belly”. It is a great trait to have and we all could stand to take a look at ourselves and be sure that we are expressing (or have) passion for the work we do. If we don’t then we probably need to evaluate what it is that could create passion within us about our work. Even things we might not totally like to do, we can go after with passion and enthusiasm. There are certain tasks that none of us like to do but it is important that we perform them with passion that others can see. The other side of passion though can also create behaviors that are not so desirable. Many times people who are overly passionate about what they do are quick to anger and express emotions that are not becoming. With this I paint a delicate balance for anyone to achieve. We don’t want to be ones who are either too quick to speak, or lose our temper, or allow words and actions to come from us that show that we are not in control of who we are. So, how to find that balance between passion and the other side? James gives us straight forward direction in James 1:19 on how to ensure that our passion does not tip to the dark side: “Understand this, my dear brothers and sisters: you must all be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry.” Passionate people are usually the first to speak and because they get so excited or invested in their point of view, they are not great listeners. Regardless if we have a problem with our tempers or not, we can still take in the great direction with James’ principle of how to help us work successfully by taking in the words on how to first listen and then slow down and think before we speak. And if we are overly passionate, then the lesson is even that more important. Today, practice the skills that James provides. You may be amazed at what you learn about yourself and how others react and respond to you. Don’t lose your passion….just be sure that it is always in check.

Reference: James 1:19 (New Living Testament)