Tag Archives: philippians

day 1424: Inside Sales

“For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases Him.”

It wasn’t that long ago that a sales person, when interviewed, was asked about their ability to be on the road 100% of the time.  If the answer was, “No”, then they likely wouldn’t get hired.  With our technology tools today, more and more sales are coming from “inside”.  These are the sales teams who not only dial for dollars but also today they sell with Skype, GotoMeeting, BlueJean, Google Hangouts, etc.  Sure, the biggest deals are always in need of the face to face with the sit down over a meal, but a whole lot is getting done now from the inside out.  And the advantage of salespeople in the office, working together, not on the road all the time, has long term cultural and retention powers as well.  As technology improves, we can expect less and less on the road and more and more work from the inside making a difference.

God works from the inside out in us. When we are open to what He has in store for us, He reveals what we can do for Him. We are his new and ever-changing technology and there are new and fresh ways each and everyday for us to please Him and reach others. What new places, relationships, work is God giving to you right now?

Reference: Philippians 2:13 (New Living Translation) 

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