day 2164: Accommodating

“Ruth fell at his feet and thanked him warmly. “What have I done to deserve such kindness?” she asked. “I am only a foreigner.”

I have taken to walking to my gym versus driving there.  It’s a couple of miles and it takes some time, but I just add it on to the time of what the workout will be.  As I walk I count on the accommodating of drivers who give me, as the pedestrian, the right of way.  I also count on the accommodating that comes from the city having built sidewalks, established street light patterns that allow for me to cross intersections, and for the cut away ramps onto the sidewalks that I don’t need today, but later in life might be dependent upon to be able to traverse a sidewalk.  This made me think that our culture and society is built on upon the accommodating of those who “can’t” or who have not been afforded the opportunities that the rest of us might have.  Some think these accommodations are “unfair” or play to the minority, but I have found in business that those who think that way and fight against the accommodations that bring fairness to the workplace will never win the respect and following of all.  Sure, they might rise up into high positions, and sometime stay there for quite a while, but when the chips are down or the plea for their own accommodating goes out, there aren’t many who will stand behind them.

Jesus came to show the world and the generations who would live after Him the love of God.  Jesus was not a “softy”, but He was the ultimate in showing that the core of our life is to show love, grace, kindness and yes, an accommodating spirit and actions to those who are in need, hurt, or in the case of Ruth, felt disadvantaged and an outsider (certainly not a neighbor) because she was a “foreigner”.  If we don’t reflect these traits and teachings of Jesus  in our daily actions and words then it will be hard for others to see Jesus being reflected back through us.

Reference: Ruth 2:10 (New Living Translation)

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