day 2304: Hunger

“And just as my Father has granted me a Kingdom, I now grant you the right to eat and drink at my table in my Kingdom”

For companies to succeed, there must be a hunger to grow and achieve.  Business is too hard without a hunger in the culture.  And, that hunger has to come from the top. The founder, the CEO, the senior team must all share a hunger to succeed.  I’ve seen what happens when everyone becomes proverbially “too full”.  The business stops pushing and doing the hard things that must be done. How do we know when our hunger is waning?  We don’t need to know, we can feel it.  If the hunger has dissipated in your organization, look first at yourself to see if you are still hungry.

Hunger is two-sided.  Jesus promises to fulfill our hunger and our thirst and He allows us to come to His table for that fulfillment.  But yet, he wants us to be hungry for Him and the Father at all times. His table is open to us and we should return daily to receive the nourishment that we most desperately need.  If we are feeling hungry, then let’s be sure and not allow ourselves to reach a point where we might collapse or falter.  It’s important that we don’t.  At His table is what will fill our hunger.

If you are looking for an uplifting message today about the power of coming to the table together, then you will like this: Eat Together

Reference: Luke 22: 29-30